[lazarus] Editor not showing

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue Jul 4 11:37:35 EDT 2000

I finally pinpointed why the editor (and probably all graphic drawings)
isn't working.
A while ago I was working on a more complete bitmap support (now Lazarus
only acceps your device depth) and had already changed the way how bitmaps
are created. The remaining code wasn't changed yet, but that was no problem
since they all use the same "union pointer".
Somehow the current version of the compiler behaves different than before
(see other mail). This way all reffered GC-bitmaps pointed to nil, resulting
in an "Uninitialized GC" (where you can't draw on :-)

A commit is on its way, but it takes some time to cleanup the mess I made
with the new componentselection :-)


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