[lazarus] how to...

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Wed Jul 5 04:47:43 EDT 2000

+ From: Pavlovic Ivan [mailto:vampir at tesla.rcub.bg.ac.yu]

+ > pfew... I'm not sure if the problems are related. The
+ > missing fontname is indeed an error and the reason for
+ > that is known. The code around it can handle it and
+ > should not dump.
+ OK... What do I do to code around it??? (where should I look
+ for the error)

You don't need to code around it. The error you see is probably not related
to the missing font, but somewhere further in the code. The error message is
the last one you see.

+ > - can you remake lazarus with the trace option and look if
+ >   the output is different ?
+ The output look pretty much the same... I can send you what it wrote if
+ want...

Please send it to m.weustink at cuperus.nl


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