FW: Christian TV loss

Chris Bordeman chrisbordeman at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 11 21:53:04 EDT 2000

> I hope that the courts will grant the freedom FROM religion!!!

What does that mean?  Zealots like you will never find enough 'separation,'
to the point that religion is banned altogether.  It is impossible to
practice any religion with no association with that which is 'public.'  Be
it the public water and electricity that is pumped into places of worship,
or the technically 'public' airwaves.  What you want is genocide through
laziness, to stamp out all things that make you feel uncomfortable.  You
exhibit the selfish, bigotal leftist mindset thoroughly, claiming anything
you don't like is in some bizzare way a violation of your "rights," instead
of learning from it and tolerating it.


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