[lazarus] Making Lazarus

Stefan Hille stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org
Fri Jul 21 15:09:04 EDT 2000

On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 04:34:25PM -0300, Laércio Laudi Felisbino wrote:
> I typed 'make lazarus' in the linux and the following msg appeared.
> "Can't compile unit TERMINFO, no sources avaliable"
> Anybody knows why this?

It means that one of your libraries (rtl of course) is out of date. Since
these libraries can't be rebuild from inside the lazarus directory you get
the error message and have to rebuild the lib(s).
Whenever I get such a message I simply rebuild als libs which are
neccessary for lazarus: rtl, fcl and gtk


Stefan Hille          email: stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org 
48155 Muenster	      voice: 0251/664695 

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