[lazarus] CVS updated

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Thu Jun 22 04:28:49 EDT 2000

+ From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]

+ I have updated CVS.  I added a new file called idecomp.  It
+ contains the definition for the components that appear on the
+ toolbar that can be dropped onto a form.
+ By doing this, it's REALLY easy to add other components.
+ Each components has a few methods associated with it.

[ functionality snipped ]

+ Isn't that cool!  OK, your probably not excited about it but
+ I thought it was a great idea!

Hmmm... Yesterday I looked at it (while implementing TControlSelection) and
I think this is not the way to go.
This way you loose all the flexibility Delphi has with (new) components. I
feel more for a somewhat modified RegisterComponents function.

  procedure RegisterComponents(
    const Page: string;
    ComponentClasses: array of TComponentClass;
    Images: array of TGraphic

All other information you need you can get from the RTTI. So the creation of
a component and its events can be done by general routines instead of a
class per Component.


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