[lazarus] Holy Grail

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Thu Mar 2 22:32:49 EST 2000

"Michael A. Hess" wrote:
> sean at radiocbs.com wrote:
> >
> > Anyone else on the mwEdit mailing list.  There is a soap-opera
> > playing out there that makes the future of mwEdit a little
> > uncertain.
> I'm not on the list, could you give us the story in a nut shell?

I decided to go read the mwedit mailing list archives myself.

Hey guys we might have a problem here. I of course haven't followed the
whole thing but it appears that mwedit is going to disappear. Martin is
totally disgusted with the project, for reasons I did catch, and is
stopping any work on mwedit and starting a totally new editor. The
problem is the licensing. It appears that mwedit isn't really open
source so it is somewhat quasi legal using the code. It might behoove
someone to write the mwedit list and ask just what issues we might have
in using the mwedit code.

If there isn't a problem I would suggest that we monkey with the mwedit
code we have in whatever fashion we wish since it might not be of any
concern whether it is compatible with the original mwedit and Delphi
code or not.

Could someone who follows the list confirm if my assumptions about what
I read are correct?

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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