[lazarus] Parameter and property names

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Mon Mar 20 07:05:27 EST 2000

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> Hello,
> It shouldnow be possible to use a parameter with the same name as a property.
> So things like
>   TComponent = Class(TPersistent)
>     Procedure SetName(Name : String);
>     Property Name : String Read FName write SetName;
>   end;
> Should now work with the -Sd switch, for Delphi compatibility.
> Which doesn't mean that you should use it.
> It's still bad programming, IMHO, but can be used for porting Delphi code.

Ooops, this case doesn't work :(, I've to check it again, sorry.

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