CVS changes and Re: [lazarus] TBitmap transparency

Marc Weustink weus at
Tue Mar 21 19:37:46 EST 2000

At 23:03 21-03-2000 +0100, Marc Weustink wrote:
>At 15:38 21-03-2000 -0600, Shane Miller wrote:
>>looking at the CreatePixmapIndirect the function 
>>gdk_pixmap_colormap_create... takes a mask as one of it's parameters.  I 
>>would say that we put it there.
>Yes, but I think it is of no (or less) use. While loading it replaces all 
>the transparent parts with the color given as transparent color (we can 
>also use a transparent color in our xpm, like I did in penguin.xpm)
>The result of this is a "solid" pixmap without transparent parts. If you 
>draw this, you have still the problem you have now.
>More about this later.

I did some "investigations" and for transparency it should be possible to 
implement a
   BitBlt (same as StrechBlt now),
   StretchBlt (stretching part has to be done),
   MaskBlt (same as BitBlt but with a mask)
   and StrechMaskBlt (not a MS function but logical function here)

For TBitmap I added a maskbitmap and Draw (needs to be implemented).


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