[lazarus] Form repaintis when painting speedbuton glyph

Vincent Snijders vrs at dds.nl
Wed May 3 15:04:00 EDT 2000

I did give it an extra look, but stepping through the code, I didn't see a
paint or invalidate.

I know this:
When I comment out the line
PDeviceContext(DestDC)^.GC, PDeviceContext(SrcDC)^.Drawable,  XSrc, YSrc, X,
Y, Width, Height);
in TgtkObject.StretchBlt, the repainting doesn't happen. Of course, the
glyph on the speedbutton doesn't get painted either.

I give up. :-( This is for the real developers, not for lurkers.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Weustink <Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl>
To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: [lazarus] Form repaintis when painting speedbuton glyph

> + From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]
> +
> + It could be that after I did the paint I called repaint or
> + invalidate or something.  Maybe that causes it.
> Hmm...
> + Are you going to look further into it?  If not, I guess I can
> + look at it to see if that's the case. Problem is I do my
> + development under LINUX, not windows.
> If it is a problem I can have a look, some small win32 development is
> possible.
> Marc
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