[lazarus] compiling lazarus under win32....

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu May 4 13:39:03 EDT 2000

The "gtk" in the interfaces directory is the code required by our LCL (by using CNSendMessage) to create the gtk widgets.

See, the LCL sends a LM_CREATE message.  If you wanted to use GTK as your widget set, you DEFINE GTK in the interfaces.pp file.  This way, our InterfaceBase file uses the GTK directory and sends the LM_CREATE and other messages onto that set of source.

The GTK in FPC are the header files that we use to call the GTK functions from OUR GTK files.

Get it?  FPC defines all the GTK functions in their gtk files.  We use GTK functions in ours.  Ours receive and send messages to/from our LCL.


>>> hernan.et at pg.com 05/04/00 12:03PM >>>

I just downloaded the sources yesterday. I am using 0.99.14. Also, I noticed
that the source code of Lazarus includes "gtk"
[e:\pp\source\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\gtk] and also i have a copy in the packages
directory [e:\pp\source\packages\gtk]. There  could some differences between the


 Internet Mail Message                                          
 Received from host: harding.miraclec.com                       

Envelope Sender:    lazarus-request at miraclec.com 

From: "Vincent Snijders" <vrs at dds.nl> on 05/04/2000 02:13 AM

Please respond to lazarus at miraclec.com 

To:   lazarus at miraclec.com 
cc:    (bcc: Yoyong Hernan-ET/PGI)
Subject:  Re: [lazarus] compiling lazarus under win32....


You probably have an old gtk package (or not at all?).

Look in the directory e:/pp/source/packages/gtk/gdk/gdkmain.pp on line 214,
there it is defined.

If not download the the packages from the fpc-site or checkout the packages
from cvs.


Vincent Snijders
----- Original Message -----
From: Yoyong Hernan-ET <hernan.et at pg.com>
To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 1:41 PM
Subject: [lazarus] compiling lazarus under win32....

> Hellow all,
> I tried compiling Lazarus (copied the source from the ftp server). I've
got this
> errors.
> e:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C lcl all
> make.exe[1]: Entering directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl'
> rm -f allunits.exe
> e:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C interfaces all
> make.exe[2]: Entering directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
> e:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C gtk all
> make.exe[3]: Entering directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
> ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD gtkwinapiwindow.pp
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(205,6) Error: Identifier not found
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(299,12) Error: Identifier not found GDK_DRAW_PIXMAP
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(303,8) Error: Illegal expression
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(319,12) Error: Identifier not found GDK_DRAW_PIXMAP
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(323,8) Error: Illegal expression
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(366,33) Error: Identifier not found GDK_PIXMAP_UNREF
> gtkwinapiwindow.pp(366,61) Error: Illegal expression
> Fatal: There were 7 errors compiling module, stopping
> make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/gtk'
> make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
> make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `e:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl'
> Please help me.
> Yoyong Hernan
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