[lazarus] object inspector stalled

dvortex dvortex at netcourrier.com
Mon May 8 23:36:34 EDT 2000

i m in the process of getting my sony picturebook running linux, then,
i'll get on again on hacking on the object inspector.

it should take me a couple days to get everything working...
the other thing is E3 (if you are a gamer, you know what i am talking
about). i'll be there either in THQ Booth, or Sony Booth, or Sega booth.
look for me and my vaio picturebook :o) so i should be finishing it this
week end.

By the way. i'm planning on trying to get something like a "TGrid", but i
have no clue yet how to get this working right :o) i will have to check
the TButton code more carefully.

*E3 is "Electronic Entertainment Expo"
Expo of games/technology for gamers/etc...

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