[lazarus] error compiling testinet

Chris Moody moodcon at pacbell.net
Tue May 9 04:10:03 EDT 2000

Hi all,

I was trying to compile and the testinet file, and found some interesting
things. If at the DOS prompt I use:

ppc386 testinet -Fu\pp\units\win32;\pp\source\packages\inet

I get the following error:
-: cannot find -lc
testinet.pp(249,1) Warning: Error while linking
Closing script ppas.bat
248 Lines compiled, 1.5 sec

If I use the fp editor, I get a response that it can't find the syswin32
unit, although I have told it the correct directories to pass to the
compiler, and I have built the rtl directory, and moved the units to the
units directory.

Can someone offer any suggestions?



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