AW: [lazarus] screen shots

Alan Ferguson aferg at
Wed May 24 06:16:30 EDT 2000

r.alex at wrote:

> hi, i am interested in your program. can you send me the source of your
> program ?

Hehe *nervous laugh*  thanks for asking, but im a little embarrassed
by the code at this point. I am planing on releasing code as soon as
I release any binaries. please understand, at this point im just playing
around and making very messy mud pies. Let me gain a little confidence
in what i am doing first.

If you haven't already done so, a look at the little GLUT demo that comes
with FPC. Its much clearer than my code.

Also at some point I would also like to contribute back any components
that may be useful to back to Lazarus.

-Alan Ferguson.

(It's in rough enough shape that i would rather eat it than post it. )

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