[lazarus] cannot build on Win NT

Mario Fietz, DL4MFM mario at fietz.org
Sat Nov 4 13:45:12 EST 2000

Hello Folks,

I found last week lazarus in the net. Because I am a DELPHI fan I am
interested to work with Lazarus for Windows and Linux platform. Now, first I
tried to install on my Windows NT PC. No problems with the FPC, works fine.

Then I tried to build Lazarus with the "How to build Lazarus"-Site
(http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/how.php3?&language=german is english,

Step 1. : WinNT platform - Get other version of some utils

I did not find make.exe on any named ftp-server! I tried to use the
FPC-make.exe, but only errors (I installed on the f:\fpc\...-Directory).
Later I moved all into c:\pp and tried again to "make" Lazarus. "make lcl"
works fine, but then following errors occured:


make components:

c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C components all
make.exe *** components: No such file or directory (ENOENT). STOP.
make.exe *** [components_all] Error 2

make ide:
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe --assume-new=lazarus.pp lazarus.exe
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `c:/pp/lazarus'
ppc386.exe !FPCEXTCMD lazarus.pp
Note: Reading further options from (env) FPCEXTCMD
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.2 [2000/10/12] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling lazarus.pp
Compiling main.pp
Compiling compiler.pp
Compiling compileroptions.pp
compileroptions.pp(33,83) Fatal: Can't find unit XMLCFG
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/lazarus'
make.exe[1]: *** [lazarus.exe] Error 1
make.exe *** [ide] Error 2


Any idea? If someone has the needed "make.com" and "sh.exe" on his/hers PC,
can you send me please? Well, I looked down the mailing list, seems that
someone has had the same problem, but I didnot find the answer for this

Greetings from NW Germany


dl4mfm at dl4mfm.de

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