[lazarus] The registry is alive

Luis R. Hilario B. luis at luis-digital.8m.com
Fri Nov 10 19:48:00 EST 2000

Stefan Hille wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 11:38:08AM -0400, Luis R. Hilario B. wrote:
> > [..TestReg.pp..]
> >
> > The previous example has a very great size and uses GTK.
> > How can be reduced the size and not be used GTK?
> The problem is the usage of some lazarus units. If you change the uses line
> in registry.pp to
>   uses
>      Classes, Sysutils;
> and add the following code to it's interface the size should be greatly reduced:
> =============
> const
> //==============================================
> // Registry constants
> //==============================================
>   { Provided for compatibility with Windows registry ONLY }
>     HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     = $80000000;
>     HKEY_CURRENT_USER     = $80000001;
>     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE    = $80000002;
>     HKEY_USERS            = $80000003;
>     HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = $80000004;
>     HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG   = $80000005;
>     HKEY_DYN_DATA         = $80000006;
> type
>    HKEY = Integer;
>    PHKEY = ^HKEY;
> ==============
> These definitions are in lcllinux now, which requires gtk (or any other interface?).
> Maybe we should change this some day...

Yes you are right.
I hope that "some day" not be very distant. After all it is not
difficult to do it.

| Luis R. Hilario            |
| http://luisdigital.2y.net  |

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