AW: [lazarus] Object Inspector

Shane Miller SMiller1 at
Wed Nov 15 15:39:56 EST 2000

In addition to your #1 Each line that a property exist on is created by a grid (?) control.  So, it's a tabsheet with a TGrid control on it. (TStringGrid?)

#5.  I agree that the formdesigner should handle this.  When you click on an event (like OnClick) you would add the text <controlname>OnClick and send this information to the formdesigner in some way.  The formdesigner would search for this function.  If it did not exist it would create it.

We can leave some methods open for the object inspector to call in the form designer for this purpose.

Is this a good method of doing this?  If so, we'll need to come up with the method names, etc and I'll add them to a TFormDesigner class definition.


>>> nc-gaertnma at 11/15/00 01:51PM >>>
>I don't believe ANYTHING has really been done on it.
>Are you interested in looking at it?
>If so, we would love to help you in anyway possible.
>If you are going to look at it please meail me and I will help you.

Ok, I will do it.
But first I want to discuss the basic concept.

The object inspector is a single form (descendent of TForm),
a combobox at the top filled with the components of the current form,
a PageControl with two TabSheets (properties and events)
and a StatusBar.
Each TabSheet contains a list of properties of the selected component(s).
These properties are the "registered" published properties.
  Registered means: a valid PropertyEditor exists.

The property editors will be very similar to the delphi ones (see

Each property in the TabSheets is shown as a pair of name and value.
Subproperties (sets and classes) are shown as a tree like structure.
Editing is possible by
-a TEdit for simple types (e.g. Left, Width)
-a ComboBox for types with value lists (e.g. Color, Cursor)
-a dialog which is activated by the ellipse button or double click (e.g.

If more then one component is selected only the intersection of all
multi-selectable properties are shown.

Hmm, this is quite complex. Delphis form source code is maintained by a
FormDesigner which handles the creation, renaming, searching and deletion of
variables and methods in the code. I think, we will need such a thing too.

Did I miss something important?
Or is someone out there who dislikes some behaviour of delphis object
inspector and has much better ideas?


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