[lazarus] Object Inspector Grid

Marco van de Voort Marcov at stack.nl
Sun Nov 19 10:23:07 EST 2000

> In the lazrus/designer/abstractformeditor file I have functions in TAbstractFormEditor like
> Function Filename : Stirng; virtual; abstract;

I assume this is a typo :-)
> Then in TCustomFormEditor I declare a function
> Function Filename : String; override;
> but when I compile it tells me....

Some problem with {$H+} maybe? Do you compile some in Delphi, 
and some in ObjPas mode?

> Overloaded methods which are virtual must have the same return type: TCUSTOMFORMEDITOR.FILENAME.
> NO SH%@.  What's the deal?

Something with the string=ansistring or string=shortstring probably.

1. Try adding {$H+}
2. Try including sysutils in the uses clause
3. Compile the entire project forced in one mode {-Sd or -S2) Use 
make OPT='-Sd' or Make OPT='-S2'.
4. Check for {$MODE statements in the related sources, and make 
sure they match.

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