AW: AW: [lazarus] Object Inspector
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at
Mon Nov 20 05:53:16 EST 2000
>Can you explain to me what the functions.....
> procedure FormDesigner.GetMethods(TypeData: PTypeData; Proc: TGetStrProc);
> procedure FormDesigner.GetComponents(TypeData: PTypeData; Proc:
> TGetStrProc);
This is my idea:
GetMethods is used, when the combobox of a Method-Property is filled with all
valid Method names.
GetComponents is used, when the comboboc of a Component-Property is filled
with all valid Property names.
PTypeData is defined in TypeInfo and describes the method/component type.
TGetStrProc = procedure(const S: string) of object;
Proc: TGetStrProc is for example the Add procedure of a TStrings instance.
To implement the two functions you must compare every (published) property of
the form with the TypeData. I'm not yet an expert in RTTI, so I don't know, if
there already exists a function that can say if two types are compatible.
>The FormEditor class is the class that controls the FORM
>and keeps a list of selected controsl on that form.
>It will return a TComponentInterface to you for each control
> on the form. The TComponentInterface can Set/Get property
> values (by name and index), return the component type,
> return an TComponentInterface for it's parent, Focus
> the control, Delete the control, Selects the control
> (and tells the object inspector), etc.
>How's that all sound?
That sounds, as if lazarus is getting better. :)
(Florian Klaempfl has mentioned it):
The components can be remote controlled by the RTTI. Every Control on the form
is owned by the form itself and can be found via the form.Components property.
The Property Editors read and write values with the RTTI. So, I think, we
don't need the Set/Get property in the TComponentInterface. As far as I can
see, the OI needs in the form designer only select, unselect, delete and add
procedures and a RootComponent and Modified property.
If the user changes some values on the form designer itself (e.g. moving,
resizing a component) the form designer executes the UpdatePropertyValues in
the Object Inspector, and the OI will show all changed values.
If the selection changes in the formdesigner, the formdesigner sets the
"property Selections:TSelectedComponentList;" in the Object Inspector:
Then the OI will destroy its old list, sets the new list, builds the
intersection of all selected components and shows the properties.
The TSelectedComponentList is a simple pointer list:
TSelectedComponentList = class
function GetItems(Index: integer): TComponent;
procedure SetItems(Index: integer; const Value: TComponent);
function GetCount: integer;
procedure Clear;
property Count:integer read GetCount;
function Add(c:TComponent):integer;
procedure Delete(Index:integer);
property Items[Index:integer]:TComponent read GetItems write SetItems;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
There is yet another point. The formdesigner should have an Modified property,
that the ObjectInspector sets if something has changed. Thus, the formdesigner
knows, if the lfm file must be stored.
These are only my personal ideas. I think, they are very similar to Delphi.
But is Delphi always the best?
What do you think?
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