[lazarus] cvs updated

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu Nov 30 16:44:49 EST 2000

I added a few more changes.

I created the code for TDesigner.  Not all of it yet because I'm not sure how it all works.  I had to get the Notification working and I have that much completed.  

I'm not totally clear when the TDesigner gets created, and by whom, but I'm creating one for each form after I create the form.  This occurs when the user selects FILE - NEW - FORM.  Then I assign the TCustomForm's property DESIGNER to the new TDesigner.

Paintgrid works.

Notification only checks to see if a control is being added.  If so, it clears it's ControlSelection (TControlSelection) and adds the new control.  I create a TControlSelection for each TDesigner.


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