[lazarus] Make this thing work

pouppah at www.com pouppah at www.com
Fri Sep 15 19:13:53 EDT 2000

>Didn't try that. I put the path to the gnu make first >in my path. Maybe 
>setting make from the commandprompt works:
>set MAKE=C:\pascal\bin\win32\make.exe
>and after that run C:\pascal\bin\win32\make.exe

>btw, can you send the whole output of make ?

Ok I got this thing to work (in a way). Now what's the next step? 
What's this : 
An unhandled exception occurred at 0x000DF864
Unknown Run-Time error : 217

I get this when I try to run lazarus.exe by itself. Is this normal? I tried building it with 'make all OPT=-XS' but it came back with a 'linked with missing USER32.dll:Dde...' problem.

Hey am I asking too many silly questions here or what?



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