[lazarus] Yahooooo, I found it!!
Marco van de Voort
marcov at stack.nl
Fri Apr 13 13:08:12 EDT 2001
> > Actually it was a very simple mistake of using the wrong 2 variables.
> > StretchBlt was using the destination pixmaps height and width for doing
> > the copy instead of the source height and width. When the source pixmap
> > was smaller then the speedbutton pixmap who knows what it was trying to
> > copy and to where. That is why I am surpised that Linux didn't have a
> > problem with it. There was also a problem with the size of the source
> > glyph rect used when only one glyph existed but that wasn't as much of a
> > problem.
> Think I ran into that problem when I made the ShowMessage-functions. There
> was something wrong with the drawing of pixmaps in Linux but I decided to
> use a workaround.
> BTW: WHich debugger are you using on Linux? I'm not satisfied with ddd
> because it sometimes locks up my system. There's a nice debugger from
> the gtkAda project but that one lacks pascal support and I can't
> compile it to introduce the missing module
The FPC team uses gdb with patched Pascal support and/or the Linux IDE which
has the same. (though the IDE there is still somewhat unstable).
Same for FreeBSD. (The status of Lazarus on FreeBSD is the same as on Linux,
the FreeBSD 1.0.5 snapshot in the pub/fpc/snapshot directory on
ftp.freepascal.org will probably compile Lazarus fine)
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