about debugger
Florian Klaempfl
Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Sat Apr 14 06:35:52 EDT 2001
At 12:16 14.04.01 +0200, you wrote:
>Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> >
> > Even more, I think we should think about a common interface to libgdb
> > with some helper classes, i.e. that the non visual part is common
> > for all IDEs.
> > I know the classes/objects thing is a problem but
> > maybe we can solve it.
>We know about the class/object issue for almost 2 years, but I still
>don't know why it is a problem at all? Is mixing both OOP models in a
>single app really a problem?
Mixing both OOP models isn't a problem but e.g. streaming is a problem.
From ide\text\fpdebug.pas:
typ : BreakpointType;
state : BreakpointState;
owner : PBreakpointCollection;
Name : PString; { either function name or expr to watch }
FileName : PString;
OldValue,CurrentValue : Pstring;
Line : Longint; { only used for bt_file_line type }
Conditions : PString; { conditions relative to that breakpoint }
IgnoreCount : Longint; { how many counts should be ignored }
Commands : pchar; { commands that should be executed on breakpoint }
GDBIndex : longint;
GDBState : BreakpointState;
constructor Init_function(Const AFunc : String);
constructor Init_Empty;
constructor Init_file_line(AFile : String; ALine : longint);
constructor Init_type(atyp : BreakpointType;Const AnExpr : String);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
TBreakpoint depends on the TV streaming. This is necessary because
the breakpoints are stored in the desktop file. But using TV streaming
in Lazarus is nonsense.
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