[lazarus] CVS Changes

Marc Weustink marc at lazarus.dommelstein.net
Mon Aug 13 19:32:30 EDT 2001


It took some time, but I finally updated the makefiles. Changes are only 
internal (for the new fpcmake version), so no much change if you only type 

Added a makefiles target, when typed at the lazarus root, all makefiles are 
recreated if needed (pretty handy when you've changed a lot of makefile.fpc 
files :)

Updated the win32 target.

Note 1: If you want to create the makefiles yourself
         (ie running fpcmake) you (for this moment) need
         the fpc sources.
Note 2: You need the latest (thus not the FIXEX tree) of
         fpcmake, this one is currently not in the
         fpc.1.0.5.laz package (I'll update that one someday)
Note 3: Don't set the FPCDIR in the makefiles if you commit
         them to CVS. You can point to the FPCDIR by issuing
         export FPCDIR=your/path/to/fpc
         (or DOS: set FPCDIR=your/path/to/fpc).
         This is only needed when running fpcmake
         (and probably make zipinstall I guess)

TIP: I created a small script lazmake where I set the FPCDIR, run fpcmake 
and unset FPCDIR. This way you can run fpcmake with the fpc sources and 
build lazarus with the fpc-binaries (with FPCDIR set, the compiler will be 
build first)


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