[lazarus] CVS Changes

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Aug 21 10:59:33 EDT 2001

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 11:05:35 +0200
"Marc Weustink" <Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl> wrote:

> + From: Keith Bowes [mailto:keith_bowes at hotmail.com]
> + Sent: Thursday, 16 August, 2001 11:50
> + To: lazarus at miraclec.com
> + Subject: Re: [lazarus] CVS Changes
> +
> +
> + I experienced somewhat of a problem when I tried to use the
> + new make from the FTP.  All compiled fine but when I ran
> + lazarus, I got the following message:
> + An unhandled exception occurred at 0x0049C89A :
> + Abstract method called
> +   0x0049C89A  TAPPLICATION__INITIALIZE,  line 132 of
> + ./include/application.inc
> +   0x00401036  main,  line 83 of lazarus.pp
> +   0x004D7291
> +
> + forms.pp - finalization section
> It looks like you have the wrong interfaces.ppu. What exactly did you
> compile ?

I got this error under linux and the reason was an invalid write access in one of the initialization sections (misuse of shortstring/ansistring). By just adding a writeln('bogus'); in TApplication.Initialize proc the error 'disappeared'. If your error disappears or moves by just adding some writelns then there is still a bug left.

Mattias Gaertner

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