[lazarus] Components missing

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Dec 10 08:35:14 EST 2001

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:02:50 -0200
Antonio Augusto Todo Bom Neto <antonio at xultz.wox.org> wrote:

> > Maybe the binary release is corrupt. Does anyone else has the same problem?
> >
> > These sources are compiled and the resulting ppu files are stored in
> > <lazarusdir>/lcl/units/
> 	This is the problem: I don't have this dir

Sorry. I never tested the binary. You're right, the binary puts all ppu and o files of the lcl, interfaces, IDE and extra components in the lib/lazarus/units/linux directory. This makes only sense if there is a VERY good documentation, but there isn't any. You need the source to find out the declarations. I think, you should use the cvs version, which is pretty simple:

cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.freepascal.org:/FPC/CVS co lazarus


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