[lazarus] Lazarus with recent 1.0.5 snapshots + FreeBSD

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Dec 14 09:50:41 EST 2001

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 15:22:04 +0100 (CET)
marcov at stack.nl (Marco van de Voort) wrote:

> I know managed to compile Lazarus on FreeBSD 4.4 with a recent 1.0.5, it
> works, and I wanted to summarize what I had to do:
> (Note that I don't mind to fix these in CVS, but that'll have to wait till
> tomorrow)
> General changes for 1.0.5:

Marc and I are currently testing the new fpc rpm. There is only one bug left (Hi Luis). This should solve some of your problems.

> - OsDirSeparator added in 2 or 3 modules

OsDirSeparator will be replaced by PathDelim.

> - TProcess "change" (from TProcess.Create(string, options) to 
> 	TProcess.Create(owner:TComponent) )
> - TPoint and TRect commenting in FPC's process.pp routine

This will also be changed.

> - Three "overrides" added in gtkwinapih.inc lines 83 and 111,
>   (  + one I can't directly remember)

These three procedures are not implemented/tested. I have a bad feeling to activate them via override. 

> - Make sure I cleaned by hand now and then. The main Lazarus dir, designer/ 
>    debugger/ and lcl/units aren't cleaned by the toplevel "make clean"

Since fpc has a good built in update check, it is only seldom neccessary to cleanup the top level program. For the rare cases there is 'make cleanall'.


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