[lazarus] Form options to not hide, and other stuff
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Dec 27 11:45:19 EST 2001
On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 00:27:22 +1100
John August <johna at babel.apana.org.au> wrote:
> > > Since I've added the compiler path, I can create a new project. However,
> > > when I try to open a given project, there's an error :
> > >
> > > forms.pp - finalization section
> >
> > This line indicates, that the program was halted. The error must be above this line.
> OK, here's the stuff prior :
> [...]
The bug happens inside the gtk, so there was no useful debugging message. Can u describe/send me a simple example, where the bug shows up?
> > > OK, it does compile now. I have difficulty loading files into my own
> > > project, and replacing the default "unit1.pas".
> >
> > What difficulties?
> I open a file, unit1.pp, and the "unit1" which sits in the Lazarus source
> editor is still there, so you have unit1 and unit1(2) in the source editor.
> The problem is to get the form in unit1(2) compile and connect to other
> stuff, without the Form1 in the default code interfering.
Interfering in the IDE or in the code?
If they interfere in the IDE, then this is a bug. Plz send me a short description, how they interfere or what are you trying to do. The IDE creates forms in a different way than a normal LCL application. It should simply be blind for form names. Unitnames should also be no problem, because the IDE distinguish units by the full filename. The short names "unit1" and "unit1(2)" are irrelevant abbreviations for the source editor.
If they interfere in the code, then you have two units with the same name in one program.
> You delete the
> lines and the compiler complains about stuff not being there,
What stuff?
> and I cannot
> work out how to unload the default unit1 code.
Unloading in the IDE is simply closing the file.
Removing the used unit1 from the main source can be done by Project->Remove from project.
When you created an LCL application, then the main source is hidden. You can open it by View->Units... or by open the file. Normally you don't need this file, because you can edit it via the Project menu, just like Delphi.
> > Sorry, Arc is not implemented yet.
> Could you give me an example of another X Window function which is
> linked to Lazarus, and a "roadmap" of the files concerned ? I'd rather
> not fiddle with Lazarus source, but please give me a little assistance
> here, and I'll make the effort myself.
In this case the roadmap will be much bigger than the code. 90% of the explanation will handle the widget independency of the LCL. I will add the arc function tomorrow.
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