[lazarus] Using RTTI to get properties and methods

Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be
Mon Feb 5 15:26:55 EST 2001

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Peter Vreman wrote:

> >>PT := GetTypeData(Form1.ClassInfo)
> >>
> >>Pt only reflects the published properties and methods.  Is there a way to 
> >>get the other methods or am I doing this wrong?
> >
> >Not with RTTI.
> >
> >>Should I be using something else to implement code completion?
> >
> >Yes, the browser info. Maybe have a look at the implementation
> >of browser info in the text mode IDE. The important files for
> >browser implementation are:
> >
> >ide/text/fpsymbol.pas
> >compiler/browcol.pas
> >compiler/browlog.pas
> >
> >Afaik the disadvantage is that the current implementation needs parts of 
> >the compiler (symtable etc.).
> >The browser.log generated by the switch -bl isn't very helpful.
> >
> >If you need more info, Pierre or Peter may help.
> A way to be independent of the compiler is to create a browser database 
> file that lazarus then can load. MSDev does it also that way. The IDE 
> should also keep track of the line number changes made by insertion or 
> deletion.

I think this is actually the only way you can do it, without including
the compiler in the IDE, and I don't think that doing that is a good idea.


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