[lazarus] More Make problems

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Tue Feb 20 17:14:06 EST 2001

Marc Weustink wrote:
> At 15:35 20-02-01 -0500, Michael A. Hess wrote:
> >again. However I checked out the directories after doing a
> >
> >    make clean
> >
> >and now discovered that the .ppu files are not being cleaned out of the
> >lcl/units directory. When I check the clean command it appears that it
> >is now trying to clean
> >
> >       ./units/.units/*.ppu   (where the * is the individual names)
> Errmmmm.... I see that as well. I have to look at it (again).

OK as I said in our other email the 'make clean' works but it is
cheating. I did a log of the clean and what it is doing is calling

rm -f ./units/*.ppu      {where * is all the different names}
rm -f ./units/./units/*.o
rm -f ./units/*.o

The .ppu is correct but the .o based on the .ppu is still incorrect. It
only works because you force the files information in the .fpc to also
do the .o files.

We can force the issue by messing around but I think that the Makefile
built from fpcmake really needs to be corrected or modified.

It has to do with that dang extra addprefix being placed on the
PPULINKFILES. I believe it is an error. The reason that many of the FPC
sections don't have a problem with it is that they are placing the units
in the '.' directory. This means the line looks like


It is strange but correct.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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