[lazarus] Can someone more familiar with Kylix verify...

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Feb 28 04:03:17 EST 2001

> > My take:
> > 
> > 1. The Kylix class libraries will be available.
> > 
> >    Now does that mean they are open source as in usable by anyone?
> >    In other words can you make commercial apps from them?
> >    Exactly what is the license of Kylix?
> > 
> The class libraries are open source...  you're free to do with them what
> you want... 

As long as it isn't commercial. You may only use it for educational purposes
and in non-commercial environments.

[B> I don't know what you'd do with them, but they're there if
> you want them.
> > 2. The IDE of Kylix is not open source and the code will not be
> >    made available.
> > 
> >    Am I correct on this one or have I missed something???
> > 
> > 
> No, the code is no available, but it will be free.

De code is not available AND it will not be free. The library is dual
licensed, and therefore the IDE is not necessarily GPL software too.

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