[lazarus] cvs failed...

Chris cryst at golden.net
Wed Jan 31 19:39:55 EST 2001

It doesn't say much, here is the cut/paste from wincvs. I normally use
TortiousCVS but it can't cut/paste.

cvs -z9 login
(Logging in to cvs at cvs.freepascal.org)

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

cvs -z9 update -P (in directory D:\LAZARUS)
? fpc/utils/tply/yaccpars.pas
? lcl/units/vclglobals.ppw
? lcl/units/lmessages.ppw
? lcl/units/lmessages.ow
? lcl/units/imglist.ppw
? lcl/units/imglist.ow
? lcl/units/utrace.ppw
? lcl/units/utrace.ow
? lcl/units/stdctrls.ppw
? lcl/units/stdctrls.ow
? lcl/units/messages.ppw
? lcl/units/buttons.ppw
? lcl/units/buttons.ow
? lcl/units/interfacebase.ppw
? lcl/units/interfacebase.ow
? lcl/units/extctrls.ppw
? lcl/units/extctrls.ow
? lcl/units/dialogs.ppw
? lcl/units/dialogs.ow
? lcl/units/toolwin.ppw
? lcl/units/toolwin.ow
? lcl/units/comctrls.ppw
? lcl/units/comctrls.ow
? lcl/units/gtkdef.ppw
? lcl/units/gtkwinapiwindow.ppw
? lcl/units/gtkwinapiwindow.ow
? lcl/units/clistbox.ppw
? lcl/units/clistbox.ow
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: Updating CVSROOT
cvs server: Updating components
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit/highlighters
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit/otherfiles
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Contribs
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/BCB1Demo
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/BCB3Demo
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/CodeExDemo
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/CodeEx_CB
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/D4Demo
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/Data_files
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/adv_demo
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Demos/pas2html
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/Packages
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/mwSynGen
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/mwSynGen/Get_Started
cvs server: Updating components/mwedit92/mwSynGen/Grammars
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/examples
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/examples/CodeExDemo
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/examples/D4Demo
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/exporters
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/highlighters
cvs server: Updating components/mweditbeta/otherfiles
cvs server: Updating components/synedit
cvs server: Updating components/units
cvs server: Updating designer
cvs server: Updating examples
cvs server: Updating fpc
cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler
cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler/i386
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cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler/new
cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler/new/alpha
cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler/new/i386
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cvs server: Updating fpc/compiler/new/powerpc
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cvs server: Updating fpc/docs
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cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/mathex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/mouseex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/objectex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/old
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/optex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/packages
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cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/packages/html
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cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/printex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/progex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/refex
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cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/sockex
cvs server: Updating fpc/docs/stringex
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cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl
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cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/db/interbase
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/db/mysql
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/db/tests
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cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/shedit
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/shedit/gtk
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/template
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/tests
cvs server: Updating fpc/fcl/tests/intl
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cvs server: Updating fpc/fvision
cvs server: Updating fpc/ide
cvs server: Updating fpc/ide/fake
cvs server: Updating fpc/ide/fake/compiler
cvs server: Updating fpc/ide/fake/gdb
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cvs server: Updating fpc/ide/text/utils
cvs server: Updating fpc/install
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/bingo32
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/binw32
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/debian
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/graph
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/linux
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/modex
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/os2
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/text
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/demo/win32
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/doc
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cvs server: Updating fpc/install/man
cvs server: Updating fpc/install/man/man1
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cvs server: Updating fpc/logs
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages
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cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/forms
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/forms/demo
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gdbint
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gdbint/libgdb
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gdbint/libgdb/go32v2
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gdbint/libgdb/linux
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gdbint/libgdb/win32
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/ggi
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/conv
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/examples
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/examples/tutorial
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/gdk
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cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/gtk
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/gtk/gtkgl
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/ibase
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cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/ncurses
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/numlib
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/opengl
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/opengl/build
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/opengl/examples
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/opengl/linux
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cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/paszlib
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/postgres
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/regexpr
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/svgalib
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/syslog
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/uncgi
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/unzip
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/utmp
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/x11
cvs server: Updating fpc/packages/zlib
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/amiga
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/atari
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/fakertl
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/freebsd
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/freebsd/i386
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/go32v1
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/go32v2
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/i386
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/inc
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/inc/graph
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/linux
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/linux/i386
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/linux/m68k
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/m68k
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/objpas
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/os2
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/os2/tests
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/palmos
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/palmos/api
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/powerpc
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/template
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/ucmaps
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/unix
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/win32
cvs server: Updating fpc/rtl/win32/wininc
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/tbf
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/tbs
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/test
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/testopt
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/units
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/utils
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/webtbf
cvs server: Updating fpc/tests/webtbs
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils/fpcm
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils/fprcp
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils/h2pas
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils/simulator
cvs server: Updating fpc/utils/tply
cvs update: move away fpc/utils/tply/yaccpars.pas; it is in the way
C fpc/utils/tply/yaccpars.pas
cvs server: Updating images
cvs server: Updating include
cvs server: Updating include/freebsd
cvs server: Updating include/linux
cvs server: Updating include/win32
cvs server: Updating lcl
cvs server: Updating lcl/include
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/gtk
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/qt
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/qt/include
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/qt/src
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/qt/test
cvs server: Updating lcl/interfaces/win32
cvs server: Updating lcl/templates
cvs server: Updating lcl/units
cvs server: Updating tools
cvs server: Updating tools/apiwizz

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shane Miller" <shane001 at ameritech.net>
To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] cvs failed...

> What is the fail message?
> Shane
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris <cryst at golden.net>
> To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
> Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 5:07 PM
> Subject: [lazarus] cvs failed...
> >The last file I can update is toos/apiwizz
> >then cvs operation failed.
> >
> >Any ideas why?
> >
> >
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