[lazarus] Kylix and Lazarus

Gabriel Guzmics cyb.org at gmx.net
Thu Jul 26 09:33:06 EDT 2001

look at the poor features of the open kylix. i hope lazarus goes on 
indevelopment.* no database support.* no socket support.* 
only use GPL components, which are quite rare now.the only thing is: 
TThread workx in Kylix. not properly in FPC.question:will the 
Lazarus Units be ever linked to Win32 API too? Because GTK Versiondoesnt run 
very well under win32. and Qt linking was sticky.i dunno how to link the 
IDE with winapi directly. is this possible?i have no time to install 
linux again (deinstalled it b-cause of diablo 2and ultima online, but now my 
cd burner went to hell and i cant backupanything to make room for my good 
ol' linux again. guys i have never seenkde 2 in action, i am very poor...) 
and want to use lazarus also underwin32.maybe after looking hours at 
the source codes i can help to develop :-)it is hard to find lazarus' 
site, maybe FreePascal should make a direct linkat startup and advertise it 
more... if more people are engaged, completionwill be faster."I hate 
waiting..." (Indigo Mantoya, Princess 

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