[lazarus] Help - NT2000 - Error: Command syntax error

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Jun 13 05:29:58 EDT 2001

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to "make" Lazarus......
> I've gone through the steps listed on the website carefully twice and still
> no luck.
> Installed: 
> FPC1.4
> Patched: 
> it to 1.5
> Replaced:
> SH from ash-20010425.tar.gz - Cygnus
> RM,MV from  fileutils.tar.gz - Cygnus
> MAKE from make-3.79.1-3.tar.gz - Cygnus
> Extracted:
> gtk-dlls.zip to \Winnt\System32
> lazarus.zip (source)  to \pp\source\lazarus
> Ran:
> make  - in the source\lazarus folder.
> And all I got a whole bunch of "Command syntax error messages"
> The binary IDE runs fine.
> Any help would be much appreciated thanks

Peter did some great things that make FPCing on Windows 2000 a lot more
workable. I don't know if your problems are related, but try this:

1. Download makew32.zip from ftp.freepascal.org directory 
 (there is no 1.0.6 at the moment, this is just the future build directory)
2. Unzip it in pp/bin/win32 
3. Properties of "My Computer", (system properties), click tab "advanced",
and then "Environment Variables".  
4. In the bottom box, select the "Path" entry, and then "Edit"
5. In the top field of this dialog, change "Path" to "PATH", and click OK.

A lot of makefile trouble is then probably gone. Hmm, maybe wise to add this
to the faq. :_)

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