[lazarus] Help - NT2000 - Error: Command syntax error

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Wed Jun 13 08:38:36 EDT 2001

+ From: Peter Vreman [mailto:peter at freepascal.org]
+ The Makefiles aren't working for W2K.

?? Or I didn't do a make for half a year (on W2K) or it works for me

+ First, Lazarus needs updated Makefile.fpc to support the 
+ latest fpcmake. This will create Makefiles that also work under 
+ full cygwin environment.

OK, I'll update them.

+ Second you need to get the updated makew32 available from the
+ ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/dist/win32-1.0.6/separate/makew32.zip
+ Then the makefiles will work under command.com prompt under 
+ W2K. For the cmd.exe prompt we still need to test things and fix make.exe

I'll Add/Change this FAQ


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