[lazarus] Who is working on the IDE?

stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org
Fri Mar 2 15:31:46 EST 2001


On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 07:28:06PM +0000, Curtis White wrote:
[... MessagDlgStuff...]
> Most definitely. Can you just send them to me please?

I just had a second look at the stuff and it seems to be easy to commit
directly to cvs. So I'll do that tonight.

The following stuff will be included:

  - the internal class TMessageBox 
    (which will be used from the functions below)
  - the well known functions from the delphi dialogs unit
    (ShowMessage, MessageDlg ...)
  - some simple bitmaps (warning stuff...)
  - an example program

- The different buttons (ok, abort, ..) are already there and nearly all are

Whats left to do:

- The calculation of textwidth is not yet OK (no automatic linebreaks,
  not yet calculating with the right font)
- The bitmaps should be converted to resources



Stefan Hille          email: stoppok at muenster.de
48155 Muenster	      voice: 0251/664695 

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