[lazarus] Some corrections to Web Page

José Enrique Alvarez Estrada jeae at prodigy.net.mx
Sat Mar 24 15:39:45 EST 2001

Hi, folks:

One of my students of Master in Computer Sciences, Alex Cadena, is 
working in his Master Degree Thesis. I'm his Thesis Director, and we're 
planning to document the “state of the art” of LCL components, comparing 
it with Delphi's VCL, using UML to document and compare both.
But when we check the Web Page (specially the “How to Code” section), we 
observed that some errors or mistakes are present.
In first place, the {$DEFINE ???} directive doesn't exist in none of the 
LCL files. The explanation about the class inheritance is not correct: 
the correct is like this:

+--- TinterfaceBase
	+--- TGTKObject
	+--- TQTObject
	+--- TWIN32Object

And in the interfaces.pp, the code declares an instance of 
TinterfaceBase, but constructs an object of TGTKObject, TQTObject or 
TWIN32Object, depends of the directory. Here is the code:

unit interfaces;
{$mode objfpc}
	InterfaceObject : TinterfaceBase;
	InterfaceObject := TGTKObject.Create;

At fast as posible, we send to the list a complete UML class and sequence 
diagrams that can be putted in the page, to better understand this.

The second (and least important), in the “Status” section are some 

1.- In the “FCL Active Component Task List”, a component, created by 
Michael Van Canneyt, says TdggDataSet. We think it must say TDBDDataSet.
2.- In the “Lazarus Avaiable Component Task List”, says TtextAttributesg, 
we think it must say TtextAttributes.

I'mm attaching to this mail a complete LCL inheritance diagram, in .TXT 
format. I checked all the classes and inheritance with the Delphi 
manuals, and I think it's all right (If I have an error or mistake, 
please send me a mail).

I expect this diagram (and the next we will create) will be useful for 

José Enrique

+------	TChangeLink
+------	TCustomIniFile
|	+------	TIniFile
+------	TDragObject
|	+------	TBaseDragControlObject
|		+------	TDragControlObject
+------	TList
+------	TPersistent
|	+------	TCanvas
|	|	+------	TMetafileCanvas
|	+------	TClipboard
|	+------	TCollection
|	|	+------	THeaderSections
|	|	+------	TOwnedCollection
|	|	|	+------	TDefCollection
|	|	|		+------	TFieldDefs
|	|	|		+------	TIndexDefs
|	|	+------	TParams
|	|	+------	TStatusPanels
|	|
|	+------	TCollectionItem
|	|	+------	TColumn
|	|	+------	TFieldDef
|	|	+------	THeaderSection
|	|	+------	TListColumn
|	|	+------	TNamedItem
|	|	+	+------	TIndexDef
|	|	+------	TParam
|	|	+------	TStatusPanel
|	+------	TColumnTitle
|	+------	TComponent
|	|	+------	TApplication
|	|	+------	TBatchMove
|	|	+------	TCommonDialog
|	|	|	+------	TColorDialog
|	|	|	+------	TFindDialog
|	|	|	|	+------	TReplaceDialog
|	|	|	+------	TFontDialog
|	|	|	+------	TOpenDialog
|	|	|	|	+------	TSaveDialog
|	|	|	+------	TPrintDialog
|	|	|	+------	TPrinterSetupDialog
|	|	+------	TControl
|	|	|	+------	TGraphicControl
|	|	|	|	+------	TBevel
|	|	|	|	+------	TCustomLabel
|	|	|	|	|	+------	TDBText
|	|	|	|	|	+------	TLabel
|	|	|	|	+------	TImage
|	|	|	|	+------	TPaintBox
|	|	|	|	+------	TShape
|	|	|	|	+------	TSpeedButton
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+------	TWinControl
|	|	|		+------	TButtonControl
|	|	|		|	+------	TButton
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TBitBtn
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomCheckBox
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TCheckBox
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBCheckBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TRadioButton
|	|	|		+------	TCustomComboBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TComboBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TDBComboBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TDriveComboBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TFilterComboBox
|	|	|		+------	TCustomControl
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomGrid
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TCustomDBGrid
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TCustomOutline
|	|	|		|	|	|	+------	TOutline
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDrawGrid
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomGroupBox
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TCustomRadioGroup
|	|	|		|	|	|	+------	TDBRadioGroup
|	|	|		|	|	|	+------	TRadioGroup
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TGroupBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TDBImage
|	|	|		|	+------	TDBLookupControl
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBLookupComboBox
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBLookupListBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomPanel
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBNavigator
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TPanel
|	|	|		|	+------	THeader
|	|	|		|	+------	TMediaPlayer
|	|	|		|	+------	TNotebook
|	|	|		|	+------	TOLEContainer
|	|	|		|	+------	TTabSet
|	|	|		+------	TCustomEdit
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomMaskEdit
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBEdit
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TMaskEdit
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomMemo
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TCustomRichEdit
|	|	|		|	|	|	+------	TRichEdit
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBMemo
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TMemo
|	|	|		|	+------	TDBLookupCombo
|	|	|		|	+------	TEdit
|	|	|		+------	TCustomGrid
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomDBGrid
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBGrid
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TDBLookupList
|	|	|		|	+------	TDrawGrid
|	|	|		|		+------	TStringGrid
|	|	|		+------	TCustomHotKey
|	|	|		|	+------	THotKey
|	|	|		+------	TCustomListBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TDBListBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TDirectoryListBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TFileListBox
|	|	|		|	+------	TListBox
|	|	|		+------	TCustomListView
|	|	|		|	+------	TListView
|	|	|		+------	TCustomTabControl
|	|	|		|	+------	TPageControl
|	|	|		|	+------	TTabbedNotebook
|	|	|		|	+------	TTabControl
|	|	|		+------	TCustomTreeView
|	|	|		|	+------	TTreeView
|	|	|		+------	TCustomUpDown
|	|	|		|	+------	TUpDown
|	|	|		+------	TDBCtrlGrid
|	|	|		+------	THeaderControl
|	|	|		+------	TProgressBar
|	|	|		+------	TScrollBar
|	|	|		+------	TScrollingWinControl
|	|	|		|	+------	TCustomForm
|	|	|		|	|	+------	TForm
|	|	|		|	+------	TScrollBox
|	|	|		+------	TSpinButton
|	|	|		+------	TStatusBar
|	|	|		+------	TTabSheet
|	|	|		+------	TTrackBar
|	| 	+------	TCustomConnection
|	|	|	+------	TDatabase
|	|	+------	TCustomImageList
|	|	|		+TDragImageList
|	|	|			+TImageList
|	|	+------	TDataSet
|	|	|	+------	TBDEDataSet
|	|	|		+------	TDBDataSet
|	|	|			+------	TQuery
|	|	|			+------	TStoredProc
|	|	|			+------	TTable
|	|	+------	TDataSetUpdateObject
|	|	|	+------	TSQLUpdateObject
|	|	|		+------	TUpdateSQL
|	|	+------	TDataSource
|	|	+------	TDdeClientConv
|	|	+------	TDdeClientItem
|	|	+------	TDdeServerConv
|	|	+------	TDdeServerItem
|	|	+------	TField
|	|	|	+------	TNumericField
|	|	|	|	+------	TBCDField
|	|	|	|	+------	TFloatField
|	|	|	|	|	+------	TCurrencyField
|	|	|	|	|
|	|	|	|	+------	TIntegerField
|	|	|	|		+------ TAutoIncField
|	|	|	|		+------	TSmallIntField
|	|	|	|		+------	TWordField
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+------	TBlobField
|	|	|	|	+------	TGraphicField
|	|	|	|	+------	TMemoField
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+------	TBooleanField
|	|	|	+------	TBinaryField
|	|	|	|	+------	TBytesField
|	|	|	|	+------	TVarBytesField
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+------	TDateTimeField
|	|	|	|	+------	TDateField
|	|	|	|	+------	TTimeField
|	|	|	|
|	|	|	+------	TStringField
|	|	+------	TMenu
|	|	|	+------	TMainMenu
|	|	|	+------	TPopupMenu
|	|	|
|	|	+------	TMenuItem
|	|	+------	TReport
|	|	+------	TScreen
|	|	+------	TSession
|	|	+------	TTimer
|	|
|	+------	TControlScrollBar
|	+------	TGraphic
|	|	+------	TBitmap
|	|	+------	TIcon
|	|	+------	TMetafile
|	|
|	+------	TGraphicsObject
|	|	+------	TBrush
|	|	+------	TControlScrollBar
|	|	+------	TFont
|	|	+------	TPen
|	|
|	+------	TIconOptions
|	+------	TListItem
|	+------	TListItems
|	+------	TOutlineNode
|	+------	TParaAttributes
|	+------	TPicture
|	+------	TStrings
|	|	+------	TStringList
|	|
|	+------	TTextAttributes
|	+------	TTreeNode
|	+------	TTreeNodes
+------	TPrinter
+------	TRegistry
|	+------	TRegIniFile
+------	TStream
|	+------	TBlobStream
+------	TThread

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