[lazarus] bugfixes

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Nov 5 09:35:40 EST 2001

On Mon, 5 Nov 2001 15:08:42 +0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)
Michael Van Canneyt <michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be> wrote:

> > That means, the component must not eat mouse/keyboard events like a black hole and it must
> > allow to draw on it. The main problem is the gtk widget.
> I don't understand this; I would think in OOP that this problem is
> solved at the TControl level. Otherwise why would you have OOP ?

The LCL provides all methods, that the IDE needs at TControl/TWinControl level, in OOP.
But it is up to the components to implement the csDesigning state correctly.
A combobox should be visible at design time, but should neither grab focus nor open the selection box when clicked.
It would help a lot if a designed form captures all mouse and keyboard events. 
I'm not a gtk expert. Does someone knows a good trick to do this?


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