[lazarus] Updates

Dalton Calford dcalford at distributel.ca
Wed Nov 21 09:27:00 EST 2001

Hi Mattias,

> And I will keep requesting for new developers.
> Ok, 12MB bad documented code is a mess. But you can simply help, with a new
> component or just adding some missing features to existing ones. It would
> also help, if we got more examples.

I have been following the project for a year or so, but, until now, I had no 
extra time to contribute to it.
I have noticed that the web site is not that up to date (and alot of 
versions/changes are going on all the time)
Can you post to the list, or point to a up to date web site, a complete, step 
by step procedure for someone who has never used fpc/lazarus/cvs so that they 
can put a development environment onto a linux and windows pc?
We are a Delphi development house, and are willing to contribute, but, we 
would all like to have one solid starting environment to start our work on 
(and so that any bugs we find are real and not just a badly configured 

We will be using win95/98/NT/2000/ME for the windows boxes and Linux Mandrake 
8.1 for the linux boxes.

best regards


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