[lazarus] 0.8
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Oct 9 06:16:22 EDT 2001
Hi all,
IDE 0.8 alpha is in cvs.
Since the 0.7 at the beginning of the year there were many bugfixes (more than 150) and many new features in the lcl and the source editor. Today I committed the codetools, which are the base for features like procedure jumping, code completion, find declaration, automatic class completion ... .
What are the codetools:
The codetools manages all sources, provide a scanner and a simple pascal parser. Currently there are over 30 code editing functions implemented, but not yet fully tested (Hopefully, you can help).
The codetools can be found under components/codetools/ and are licensed under the gpl 2.
The first new code tool for the IDE is the procedure jumping (key 'find procedure definition' in the editor options). Under Delphi this is Ctrl+Shift+Down/Up, but it is somewhat better:
-The codetools are fully able to handle include file, so is the procedure jumping. For example: If you jump from a method in controls.pp the IDE will open the include file with the corresponding method body. Jumping back is also supported.
-Jumping between forward declared procedures is supported as well.
Notes to the scanner and the simple parser:
-currently macros are not supported
-compiler directives needs the correct values. These values are normally set by Makefiles and are stored in a database the TDefineTree. This database needs more data for the FPC sources and a nice frontend.
-the parser is much faster than the compiler, because it does only check the syntax. Therefore it will not complain about 'const s:string=3;'
'Normal' bugfixes:
- for synedit block unindenting
- for CaptureControl pointer in gtk-interfaces
- for MemLeak in jitforms
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