[lazarus] lazarus bugs

Javier javuchi77 at yahoo.es
Mon Aug 26 10:54:37 EDT 2002

Sorry... here there are some more bugs... :-)

1.- When recompiling Lazarus with Tools->Build Lazarus, the program do
not respond until compilation has been finished.

2.- I press Close All, then New Project, then I insert a button into the
form, then I press Save Project As and store the project into an empty
directory called ~/.example using the default names. Then I try to run
the project again and obtain the following source code into unit1.lrs:


'TPF0'#6'TForm1'#5'Form1'#7'CAPTION'#6#5'Form1'#5'COLOR'#4#15#0#0#128#12'CLIE'  +'NTHEIGHT'#3','#1#11'CLIENTWIDTH'#3#144#1#4'LEFT'#3'D'#1#6'HEIGHT'#3','#1#3  +'TOP'#3'I'#1#5'WIDTH'#3#144#1#0#7'TBUTTON'#7'Button1'#7'CAPTION'#6#7'Button1'  +#12'FONT.CHARSET'#2#1#10'FONT.COLOR'#4#8#0#0#128#9'FONT.NAME'#6#7'default'#4

The first "L" is also automaticaly written, wich of course causes the
compiler to bring me an error:

unit1.lrs(1,1) Error: Identifier not found L
unit1.lrs(3,1) Error: Illegal expression
unit1.lrs(3,1) Syntax error, ; expected but LAZARUSRESOURCES found

I have checked this and always happens on my computer.


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