[lazarus] native Win32 Interface

Gerry Ferdinandus gerry_ferdinandus at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 27 07:16:11 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I am new to this Lazarus project.
I have it running under Linux.
CVS update etc. no problem.

But on the Win32 we need some serious win32 interface update.
To do this we need ‘serious’ win32 programmers.

I want to spend time at regular base to fix all the bugs.
But I if there is a ‘serious’ person who wants to team up with me please let 
me know.
Send e-mail: gerry_ferdinandus at hotmail.com

The main problem is of course how many people are really willing to spend 
free time at regular basis.
Most people are only active and very interested at the beginning of the 
project and goes back to ‘passive’ user after some time.

It is better to have 2 really active developer than 4 semi-active.
Too many semi-active users will slow down the process.

Some discipline that you must have. If you like it or not.
Every week minimum 4-8 hours (programming / testing time /etc).
Every 2-3 week CVS update.
Prio 1: Win32 interface (update)
Prio 2: LCL bug fix if we find one.

Things to do.
Analyze the problem we have.
-	How far are we behind the GTK(2) binding.
-	Comparability issue with GTK(2)

Make some plan how to tackle these problems.
Communicate by private e-mail at weekly basis.
Send update as ONE TEAM to Mattias Gaertner? for CVS update.

Project + status + ideas will be save as 1 *.txt file.
This file will be including in the win32 interface directory.
So other people can keep track of the progress we have.
Include are the E-mail address of the active win32 interface developer.

People who want to participate in this project must have dual boot 
(windows/linux) system.
This is needed to verify the compability issue.
First write a simple program under Linux.
Compile and test it.
Copy this project to windows directory (by mount windows disk to linux).
Recompile the test program under Windows and test it
And fix the interface problems.

Gerry Ferdinandus.

>From: Markus Lüdin <markus at luedin.com>
>Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
>Subject: [lazarus] native Win32 Interface
>Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 22:29:52 +0200
>I'm interested to help with the Win32 part also. Luciano, did you find out
>about the Win32 interface already?
> >    Thanks, Michael. I'm going to ask some questions, and I think it's
> >preferrable to do that on the list, because not all of my questions are
> >exclusively on Win32 implementation and so other can help.
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