[lazarus] native Win32 Interface

Gerry Ferdinandus gerry_ferdinandus at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 27 11:27:47 EDT 2002


It is true that Delphi and Kylix is the best Pascal IDE at this moment.
I use Delphi6 Pro. at my work.
By using delphi CLX library I can write simple delphi program on windows and 
recompile it on kylix.
It is frustrating to ‘downgrade’ to Lazarus for writing application.
I can not recommend it to anyone for writing application at this moment.
Lazarus is still in beta stage. With lots of bugs. Unstable etc.
But the whole point is how we as object pascal programmer can help Lazarus 
to develop to a more mature product.

www.WxWindows.org  look promising.
I will install it on my windows PC and call this toolkit from Delphi6.
Need some header conversion to do.

I will keep you inform.

>From: "cryst" <cryst at golden.net>
>Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
>Subject: Re: [lazarus] native Win32 Interface
>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:36:16 -0400
>I spent some time trying to get the win version to compile. After a 
>frustrating week I gave up. (My time is also limited as well so my 
>contributions wouldn't have been too great anyway).
>I've been thinking over the last few months of a way to greatly increase 
>the scope of Lazarus.  When I first joined this mailing list, it was 
>because there was no such animal as Kylix and I greatly desired the ability 
>to compile the same code on Windows and linux and use Delphi (or something 
>like it) to do it.  To me if I just wanted to code in Windows I'd use 
>native windows tools... If I wanted to code in Linux I'd use native Linux 
>tools. The strength that Lazarus can have is in it's abiltity to be able to 
>compile in both environments.
>To do this, originally the GTK API was to be the interface to the Gui. This 
>works with the gimp so I could see no reason for it not to work with 
>Lazuras. Turns out it's harder then it looks (apparently).  My suggestion 
>is that the whole group code towards wxWindows. This api was created 
>specifically to allow different OS's to run the same interface code. If the 
>whole group had wxWindows at the same level that Lazarus is at with gtk 
>then windows support, (and Mac and others as well) would already be 
>present. The wxWindows is Open source and could use a nice programming 
>environment (like Lazarus) to support it.
>What do you think?
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Gerry Ferdinandus
>   To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>   Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 8:12 AM
>   Subject: Re: [lazarus] native Win32 Interface
>   You are right. :-)
>   Limited CVS access to win32 interface module is a better way to do this
>   thing.
>   But first I want to see if I can team up some win32 programmer so I can
>   start some private discussions about the problem we are facing now.
>   The priority etc.
>   So I will wait for  'private' E-mail response.
>   In the mean time I will proceed with the 'study' of the win32 and GTK
>   interface.
>   Maybe this effort will fail.
>   But time will tell.
>   Gerry Ferdinandus
>   >From: Florian Klaempfl <Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de>
>   >Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>   >To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>   >Subject: Re: [lazarus] native Win32 Interface
>   >Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 13:25:11 +0200
>   >
>   >At 13:16 27.08.2002 +0200, you wrote:
>   >>Send update as ONE TEAM to Mattias Gaertner? for CVS update.
>   >
>   >I think if Martin knows that you work seriously you'll get cvs write 
>   >as well.
>   >It makes the work for you and Martin easier :)
>   >
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