[lazarus] native Win32 Interface BugFix, maybe

Keith Bowes keith_bowes at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 28 15:28:33 EDT 2002

>From: Markus Lüdin <markus at luedin.com>
>Hi All
>I'm playing around with the native win32 interface and my compiled examples
>were always jumping around when I resized or moved them...so I spent
>some hours reading code and debuging the win32 Interface and I
>found following solution for the problem...I only hope it's not something
>that's already fixed :-) Because I used the daily sources and no the cvs
>Could somone check that? And maybe add this changes to the cvs tree?
>File: win32object.inc
>procedure: TWin32Object.ResizeChild
>comment: Probably some debug code...
>//  if Sender is TCustomForm then
>//  begin
>//    inc(Width, 50);
>//    inc(Height, 50);
>//  end;

I added this code a couple days ago because forms are always too small.  
It's a hack until somebody can figure out why it happens.

>File: win32callback.inc
>procedure: WindowProc
>comments: WM_SIZE and WM_MOVE return the new Client Size and Client Pos in
>LParam not the Window Size!!!
>  so i call GetWindowRect and get the window size....

>     WM_SIZE:
>     Begin
>       Windows.GetWindowRect(Window, @Rect);
>       With TLMSize(LMessage) Do
>       Begin
>         Msg := LM_SIZE;
>         SizeType := WParam;
>         Width := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
>         Height := Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top;
>       End;
>     End;
>     WM_MOVE:
>     Begin
>       Windows.GetWindowRect(Window, @Rect);
>       With TLMMove(LMessage) Do
>       Begin
>         Msg := LM_MOVE;
>//        MoveType := WParam;   WParam is not defined!
>         MoveType := 0;
>         XPos := Rect.Left;
>         YPos := Rect.Top;
>       End;
>     End;

Thanks, the forms don't jump around a lot now.  Your changes have been 

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