[lazarus] lazarus crashes

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Wed Dec 11 16:43:25 EST 2002

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On 10 Dec 2002 13:24:17 -0500
> andrew johnson <acjgenius at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>oh yes.. this only happens with FPC 1.0.7 from recent CVS. It started
>>about mid-october I think. Older versions of the compiler(like from the
>>web-site) it works fine. I haven't had time to figure out whats causing
>>it, but I think it is a compiler bug.
> I'm not sure if it is a compiler bug.
> It appears, when using TProcess. The bug is reproducable, but tricky to
> catch, because there is only an 'internal error'.
> So, it can be a fcl, rtl or compiler bug. 
> I think, the bug apeared somewhere between 1-20. of oktober.

Hmm, I checked the logs and I didn't find changes which could cause problems 
with tprocess. Of course, it could be a change in the compiler which causes 
problems with tprocess :/

 > Mattias
 >>On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 13:18, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
 >>>I compiled lazarus from cvs of today and when I try to set the
 >>>environment options, it crashes, see below. It is compiled with an FPC
 >>>1.0.7 from today. lazarus wasn't executed on this account before, i.e.
 >>>fpc and lazarus are fresh installs.
 >>>florian at Aragon:~/fpc/projects/lazarus$ ./lazarus
 >>>NOTE: editor options config file not found
 >>>Note: miscellaneous options file not found - using defaults
 >>>Note: codetools config file not found - using defaults
 >>>NOTE: FPC Source Directory not set!  (see Environment Options)
 >>>NOTE: Could not create Define Template for Free Pascal Sources
 >>>TMainIDE.DoNewProject A
 >>>TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile A NewFilename=
 >>>TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=FALSE  project1.lpr
 >>>[TCustomFormEditor.CreateComponent] Class='TFORM'
 >>>TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=FALSE  project1.lpr
 >>>TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile end unit1.pas
 >>>TMainIDE.DoNewProject end 0
 >>>An unhandled exception occurred at 0x0825D182 :
 >>>Unknown Run-Time error : 217
 >>>   0x0825D182
 >>>   0x0825D354
 >>>   main.pp 0x081EF9D5  TMENUITEM__DOCLICKED,  line 191 of
 >>>   ./include/menuitem.inc 0x0825CDDD
 >>>   0x081BA322  DELIVERMESSAGE,  line 1056 of gtkproc.inc
 >>>   0x081BEF46  GTKACTIVATECB,  line 285 of gtkcallback.inc
 >>>   0x401ED1B9  main,  line 302 of lcllinux.pp
 >>>   0x4021CB6C  main,  line 302 of lcllinux.pp
 >>>   0x4021BFD5  main,  line 302 of lcllinux.pp

Hmmm, 217 is Ctrl-C pressed ...

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