[lazarus] Maybe.... gtk2

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Fri Dec 13 13:54:32 EST 2002

matooo at email.si wrote:
> Last question on this topic! Otherwise everything is crystal clear.
> Quoting Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
>>On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 18:26:54 +0100 (CET)
>>matooo at email.si wrote:
>>>Quoting Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
>>>>The gtk2 interface has not yet been started. The idea is, to
>>>>the gtk1 interface and just overload 
>>>overload or correct?
>>TGtk2Object = class(TGtkObject)
> Wouldn't it be simpler to retain names. Probably just some of my strange
> thoughts. Almoust any gcc software that respects changes can be compiled with
> --enable-gtk20?
> Wouldn't it be easyer to take same logic and have gtk1 or gtk2 compile
> destination, (qt, win, gtk, gtk2). Overloading objects would demand overloaded
> and corrected components, while retaining would demand only to respect old
> definitions with adding or correcting new ones.
> I probably missed there as much as possible.
>>>>any procedure that needs some
>>>>adaptions. So, I think, a basic gtk2 interface can be created very
>>>>After that all the changes listed on www.gtk.org
>>>I downloaded all documents, but there's no changes specified just
>>>API specification, is there maybe some document of changes to ease
>>>job. It wouldn't be easy to search every function and check it. So
>>>start it would be much nicer if some such document would exists.
>>>www.gtk.org doesn't contain anything like that.
>>Sorry, it was gnome.org:
>>>>must be checked. And I
>>>>estimate, that this will take at least a full week of work.
>>>A bit too much to acomplish in one peace. but I think I can help at
>>>a bit
>>>Also I just finished fam implementation and basic object. Component
>>>be finished today. If that one is planned for lazarus I can upload it
>>>somewhere otherwise it will appear on my server after I find a time to
>>>him up again
>>Normally, visual components go into lazarus and non visual components
>>into fpc.
> ok, if fpc branch needs it, I have it :-)
> by the way, is CVS server down?
> Logging in to :pserver:cvs at cvs.freepascal.org:2401/FPC/CVS
> CVS password: 
> cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/home/cvs): No such file or directory

Yes, the machine running the cvs has been upgraded. It's back now...

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