[lazarus] Bugs and patch

Jeroen van Iddekinge iddekingej at lycos.com
Sun Dec 22 12:37:51 EST 2002


Sorry, In mine previous mail i did sent the wrong patch.
Sending patch again...

Jeroen van Iddekinge wrote:

> Hi,
> I have found the  following errors in lazarus:
> propedits.pp/TPropertyEditor.PropDrawName
> =================================
> Untialised value:
> Style.systemfont is not set.
> GtkObject.inc/TGtkObject.Create
> ========================
> Memory leak:
> FGtkToolTips  is first created with gtk_tooltips_new.
> After the tool tips are created, the functuon gtk_object_ref is called 
> and the refcount is set
> to 2. In TGtkObject.Destroy the recount of the tool tips is still 2. 
> Because "unref" is
> only called once the tool tips are not destroyed.
> GtkObject.inc/GTKProc.SetStyle
> ========================
> Memmory leak:
> A Gtk-Tooltips  group is created but never deleted.
> Patch:
> BaseCodeTools.pas/SearchCodeInSource
> ==============================
> I rewrote this functies, and looks now cleaner and is faster.
> Attachment contains the patch for this (The errors mention above are 
> NOT patched
> with this file).
> Hopefuly is usefull.
> Saluti,
>  Jer

Only in /home/jeroen/source/laz2/lazarus/components/codetools: basiccodetools.bkp
diff -ur components/codetools/basiccodetools.pas /home/jeroen/source/laz2/lazarus/components/codetools/basiccodetools.pas
--- components/codetools/basiccodetools.pas	Sat Nov 30 10:12:49 2002
+++ /home/jeroen/source/laz2/lazarus/components/codetools/basiccodetools.pas	Sun Dec 22 18:33:18 2002
@@ -864,56 +864,67 @@
+function ReadNextPascalAtomEx(const Source : string;var Position,EndPosition : integer;CaseSensitive : boolean; var Atom : string):boolean;
+     Atom := ReadNextPascalAtom(Source,Position,EndPosition);
+     if not(CaseSensitive) then Atom := lowerCase(Atom);
+     Result := (Position > length(Source));
+// search pascal atoms of Find in Source
 function SearchCodeInSource(const Source,Find:string; StartPos:integer;
    var EndFoundPosition:integer;  CaseSensitive:boolean):integer;
-// search pascal atoms of Find in Source
-var FindAtomStart,FindPos,Position,AtomStart
-  ,FirstSrcAtomStart,FirstSrcAtomEnd:integer;
-  FindAtom,SrcAtom:string;
+	FindAtomStart     : integer;
+	FindPos           : integer;
+	Position          : integer;
+	AtomStart         : integer;
+	FirstSrcAtomStart : integer;
+	CompareSrcPosition: integer;
+	FindAtom          : string ;
+	SrcAtom           : string;
+	HasFound          : boolean;
+	FirstFindAtom     : string;
+	FirstFindPos      : integer;
   if (Find='') or (StartPos>length(Source)) then exit;
+  FirstFindPos:=1;
+  {search first atom in find}
+  if ReadNextPascalAtomEx(Find,FirstFindPos,FindAtomStart,CaseSensitive,FirstFindAtom) then exit;
-    // search first atom in find
-    FindPos:=1;
-    ReadNextPascalAtom(Find,FindPos,FindAtomStart);
-    FindAtom:=copy(Find,FindAtomStart,FindPos-FindAtomStart);
-    if FindAtom='' then exit;
-    if not CaseSensitive then FindAtom:=lowercase(FindAtom);
-    // search first atom in source
-    repeat
-      ReadNextPascalAtom(Source,Position,AtomStart);
-      SrcAtom:=copy(Source,AtomStart,Position-AtomStart);
-      if not CaseSensitive then SrcAtom:=lowercase(SrcAtom);
-    until (Position>length(Source)) or (SrcAtom=FindAtom);
-    if SrcAtom=FindAtom then begin
-      // first atom found
-      FirstSrcAtomStart:=AtomStart;
-      FirstSrcAtomEnd:=Position;
-      // compare the rest of Find
+     if ReadNextPascalAtomEx(Source,Position,AtomStart,CaseSensitive,SrcAtom) then break;
+     if SrcAtom=FirstFindAtom then begin
+      {first atom found}
+      FirstSrcAtomStart  := AtomStart;
+      CompareSrcPosition := Position;
+      FindPos := FirstFindPos;
+      {read next source and find atoms and compare}
-        // get next atom in find
-        ReadNextPascalAtom(Find,FindPos,FindAtomStart);
-        FindAtom:=copy(Find,FindAtomStart,FindPos-FindAtomStart);
-        if FindAtom='' then break;
-        if not CaseSensitive then FindAtom:=lowercase(FindAtom);
-        // compare to next atom in source
-        ReadNextPascalAtom(Source,Position,AtomStart);
-        SrcAtom:=copy(Source,AtomStart,Position-AtomStart);
-        if not CaseSensitive then SrcAtom:=lowercase(SrcAtom);
-      until (SrcAtom<>FindAtom);
-      if (FindAtom='') and (FindAtomStart>length(Find)) then begin
-        // code found
-        Result:=FirstSrcAtomStart;
-        EndFoundPosition:=Position;
-        exit;
-      end;
-    end else begin
-      // first atom not found
-      exit;
-    end;
-    Position:=FirstSrcAtomEnd;
+        if ReadNextPascalAtomEx(Find,FindPos,FindAtomStart,CaseSensitive,FindAtom) then break;        
+        if ReadNextPascalAtomEx(Source,CompareSrcPosition,AtomStart,CaseSensitive,SrcAtom) then break;
+        HasFound := SrcAtom = FindAtom;
+        if HasFound then begin
+           Result := FirstSrcAtomStart;
+           EndFoundPosition := CompareSrcPosition;
+           exit;
+        end;
+      until not(HasFound);
+     end;
   until false;

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