[lazarus] New error...

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Feb 15 17:42:35 EST 2002

> > 	I'm use Mandrake 8.1 and one error occurred when run make ....I update my 
> > version of the Lazarus for cvs and the FPC is 1.0.5 . 
> > Compiling allunits.pp
> > Compiling syntextdrawer.pp
> > gtkint.pp(74,11) Fatal: Can't find unit GTK
> Never seen this error at this place. So, I will guess.
> Perhaps this can happen, if updating the compiler and doing a make instead of a clean rebuild.
> Plz try this in the lazarus directory:
> make clean all; make ide

Try to compile with -va or -vt in such cases. One can then probably see if
the compiler _really_ can't find GTK, or just wants to recompile it and
can't find sources. Also which dirs are searched can be seen.

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