[lazarus] GTK+ interface status on Win32

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Jan 5 09:16:20 EST 2002

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 08:12:37 -0500
"Keith Bowes" <keith_bowes at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.  I have gotten Lazarus with the GTK+ interface to compile on Win32.
> The only problem seems to be gtk_target_list_unref in
> TgtkObject.SetClipboardWidget; commenting it out seems to solve that little
> problem.

This function was needed to delete the old clipboard-target-list of the widget. The gtk provides no official function for this. So I used the internal way of gtk of clearing the target list.
But it seems, that this function is not exported in the win32 dll.
Removing this function will result in adding targets, everytime the clipboard is set.
When we can't find a corresponding function, I see two possibilites:

1. create an invisible clipboard widget, that is recreated everytime the supported clipboard targets change.

2. add some {IFDEF win32} to the gtk-interface code to use the windows clipboard instead.


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