[lazarus] Trouble downloading latest FPC RPM

Michal Bukovjan michal.bukovjan at openone.cz
Sat Jan 26 10:10:08 EST 2002

So what should I do if I want to download the compiler .rpm needed for 
lazarus, that is mentioned on the Welcome page?
I am referring to 

I am forbidden to download from this URL, so is there an alternative?

BTW, I can download from ftp.freepascal.org or its mirrors with no problems.


Michael A. Hess wrote:

>Marco van de Voort wrote:
>>>I have troubles downloading latest .rpm of the compiler (links from
>>>the freepascal site).
>>>I always get login error.
>>>Is anonymous access denied? How should I download?
>>Use a mirror. The main site is often too busy.
>It doesn't appear as though it is too busy. I just doesn't allow
>anonymous access at all. I have tried several times over the last 4 days
>and it refuses all access. It seems to require an ID and Password to use

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