[lazarus] Win32 GTK Does work again!!!!

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Thu Jan 31 17:34:34 EST 2002


Well it can be made to work but not straight out of the box.

There is a new Win32-GTK available. (labeled as not stable). However it
does contain the various items that we are using in GTK in the Linux
version. I downloaded these new libraries.

I modified the FPC GKT code to know about the new libraries and to
remove some of the ifndef Win32 items indicated in the code. I then
rebuilt the FPC GTK unit.

Next I had to monkey with the current make files. The current
configuration doesn't allow for the command line selection of
LCL_PLATFORM. In the interfaces makefiles it has


This needs to be changed to


and the Makefile rebuild. Other wise it doesn't try to use the correct
API set.


Is there someway of make this so that you can just indicate 'make
LCL_PLATFORM=gtk' and have it work correctly?

I also had to add gtk to some of the packages in the makefile.fpc so
that it know to use those. We will probably have to modify package.fpc

Anyway after that it actually builds and runs.

Here is URL to download and installation of Lazarus using GTK.


Please let me know if have you have problems with this installation.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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